Hello there.
I'm using Enunciate to generate a SOAP endpoint for a Wicket web application I am working on and I have a couple of questions that I haven't figured out the solution to yet.
1 How do I change the name of the xsd files? I've looked through the FAQ and it tells me to do something similar to this:
<xml> <schema namespace="http://api.example.com/data" file="data.xsd"/> </xml>
However, I haven't quite figured out how to set the targetNamespace for my data objects. I've done this for my service via @WebService ( targetNamespace="blah" ), but how do I annotate my data objects to let Enunciate know which namespace they should belong to?
2 Enunciate generates my XSDs just fine, but I don't particularily like the element names it uses. I have a ServiceRequest and ServiceResponse object. The ServiceRequest object has a List of User objects. The ServiceResponse has a list of Group objects. Enunciate suggests that every "User" object within the ServiceRequest should be using the tag "<users>". I feel that it would make more sense to use the singular form, "<user>" since the tag does in fact only contain a single user. Is it possible to change this behaviour, and if so, how?
Thanks in advance.