




Hi! What would be the best way to grant certain actions/permissions to users based on their group? Let's say there are 3 groups - user, admin and accountant. User can do action1, admin - action1,2,3 ,accountant - action1 and 2. Could it be like this:

if(group == user){ action1(); //function }
if(group == admin){ action1(); action2(); action3(); }
if(group == accountant){ action1(); action2(); }

All actions would be stored in functions.php file and then included in the page. Would it be a good idea or there is much better solution for this?


Can a user be part of more than one group? If not, make a table in your database:

group_id   INT (for sorting)
group_name VARCHAR
user_id    INT

Otherwise, make a table Group | group_id, group_name and a table Group_User_affiliation | group_id, user_id

Obviously adapt these to your naming scheme.

If you already have an OOP approach (with a User class), then add a field .group. Otherwise, create functions such as STRING get_group(INT $user_id), which then query the database.

Christian Mann
+1  A: 

Using comparators such as

if (admin) {do x}
else if (user) {do y}

Is a bad idea as it is inflexible and doesn't scale well.

There are a few options. If your permissions are hierarchical, meaning that one user can do everything and lower users have less permissions than the user above e.g.

admin - 1, 2, 3
accountant - 1, 2
user - 1

Then you can give them numbers and say

if (permissionValue => 500)

And have a table:

admin        1000
accountant   500
user         250

This allows you to add in a new user type (say moderator) between the admin and accountant, but will not work if you have:

admin        1, 2, 3
accountant   1, 2
moderator    1, 3
user         1

As the permissions for moderator and accountant are on the same level.

By far the best solution is using bitwise operators and assigning binary values to your protected areas.

Take a simple example where a user can read content, a moderator can read and write content, and an admin can read, write and delete content. You would have the following table (the values are constructed using bitwise or operator)

Users:          Read    Write    Delete
admin:     7 - (0b001 | 0b010 |  0b100)  = 0b111 = 7
moderator: 3 - (0b001 | 0b010 |  NO   )  = 0b011 = 3
user:      1 - (0b001 | NO    |  NO   )  = 0b001 = 1

You can then do:

define('READ', 1);
define('WRITE', 2);
define('DELETE', 4);

if ($userPermissions & READ)
    //Allowed to Read

if ($userPermissions & WRITE)
    //Show write form

These are examples of bitwise operators. It means if x contains bit y return true. For the write function

User         Permission
User            Write
1        &        2
0b001    &      0b010 -- returns false
Admin           Write
7        &        2
0b111    &      0b010 -- returns true

In the first example, 0b001 does not contain the bit 0b010 so returns false. 0b111 does contain the bit 0b010 and returns true.

Read more Here


I'd make another two tables in database, say permissions with just 2 fields - id and name, well maybe plus 1 more - title (for human reading). And the second one - groups_permissions. Then just add some permissions, for example: 'action_one', 'action_two', 'and_another_action'

Then in php itself check for permissions like this:

if ( has_permission('action_one') ) {

This method, perhaps, a little overhead for a task with only 3 groups, but it proves to be useful if more groups later added.

Alternately I know of a hardcoded method where you create a config file and list permissions like this:

$permissions['admin'] = array('create_all', 'delete_all', 'update_all', 'ban_users', 'etc.');
$permissions['moderator'] = array('update', 'delete');
$permissions['user'] = array('view_members_area', 'create_post', 'update_own', 'etc');

And as in method above check for permission via function before calling an action

L.I.A. Ant.