I tried both of the following options:
BufferedImage Buffered_Image;
MemoryCacheImageOutputStream MemoryCache_OutputStream=new MemoryCacheImageOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("C:/Test.mov",false));
while (notFinished) // Main recording loop.
Buffered_Image=robot.createScreenCapture(); // Capture Screen image.
try { ImageIO.write(Buffered_Image,"png",MemoryCache_OutputStream); }
catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
BufferedImage Buffered_Image;
ImageWriter writer;
ImageOutputStream ios=ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(new File("C:/Test.mov"));
Iterator writers=ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("png");
while (writers.hasNext())
Out(writer.toString()+" canInsertImage : "+writer.canInsertImage(0));
// Got this: com.sun.imageio.plugins.png.PNGImageWriter@19fcc69 canInsertImage : false
catch (Exception e) { }
while (notFinished) // Main recording loop.
Buffered_Image=robot.createScreenCapture(); // Capture Screen image.
writer.write(null,new IIOImage(Buffered_Image,null,null),null);
if (writer.canInsertImage(-1)) writer.writeInsert(-1,new IIOImage(Buffered_Image,null,null),null); // Append image at highest index
else Out("Writer can’t append image Id : "+cntPics);
Neither of them worked, what's the correct way to save multiple PNG images to a file?
You are right, I found a java program called Krut that can record screen sessions, but it uses JPEGImageEncoder, the image quality isn't as good as I want, so I wonder if I can use ImageIO to encode the sequence.
If ImageIO can't do it, my next question would be is there a stand alone open source PNGImageEncoder that I can use to encode it? I know there are open source PNGImageEncoders, but they tend to be tangled in projects and hard to get all the supporting files out of it, any ideas? Thanks!