



It seems that most of Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2 can be used, but when it is sqlite3-ruby, or mysql2 gems, then it can't compile, (missing mkmf?) and the latest Xcode is needed. But the latest Xcode is for Snow Leopard only. So looks like the Macbook needs to be upgraded to Snow Leopard before Rails 3 can be used?


Have you tried using RVM? It provides an easy way to install different Ruby (and Rails) versions in your system. This guy here describes his experience with RVM, mysql and MacOS 10.5.

Hope it helps!

Rafael Vega
if installation of sqlite3-ruby doesn't work, having RVM doesn't help, does it?
The article at the link I provided describes how to install the mysql gem on Leopard. mkmf.log is mentioned and he uses RVM. I thought it could be relevant (I still do!)
Rafael Vega