



Here LINK it is suggested that it is possible to "Figure out what the JavaScript is doing and emulate it in your Python code: " This is what I would like help doing ie my question. How do I emulate javascript:__doPostBack ?

Code from a website (full page source here LINK:

<a style="color: Black;" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$gvSearchResults','Page$2')">2</a>

Of course I have basically know idea where to go from here.

Thanks in advance for your help and ideas

Ok there are lots of posts asking how to CLICK a javascript button when web scrapping with python libraries mechanize, beautifulsoup....,similar. I see a lot of "that is not supported" responses use THIS non python solution. I think a python solution to this problem would be of great benefit to many. In that light I am not looking for answers like use x,y or z which are not python code or require interacting with a browser.

+1  A: 

The mechanize page is not suggesting that you can emulate JavaScript in Python. It is saying that you can change a hidden field in a form, thus tricking the web server that a human1 has selected the field. You still need to analyse the target yourself.

There will be no Python-based solution to this problem, unless you wish to create a JavaScript interpreter in Python.

My thoughts on this problem have led me to three possible solutions:

  1. create an XULRunner application
  2. browser automation
  3. attempt to interpret the client-side code

Of those three, I've only really seen discussion of 2. I've seen something close to 1 in a commercial scraping application, where you basically create scripts by browsing on sites and selecting things on the pages that you would like the script to extract in the future.

1 could possibly made to work with a Python script by accepting a serialisation (JSON ?) of wsgi Request objects, getting the app to fetch the URL, then sending the processed page as a wsgi Response object. You could possibly wrap some middleware around urllib2 to achieve this. Overkill probably, but kind of fun to think about.

2 is usually achieved via Selenium RC (Remote Control), a testing-centric tool. It provides a few methods like getHtmlSource but most people that I've heard using it get don't like its API.

3 I have no idea about. node.js is very hot right now, but I haven't touched it. I've never been able to build spidermonkey on my Ubuntu machine, so I haven't touched that either. My hunch is that in order to do this, you would provide the HTML source and your details to a JS interpreter, that would need to fake being your User-Agent etc in case the JavaScript wanted to reconnect with the server.

1 well, more technically, a JavaScript compliant User-Agent, which is almost always a web browser used by a human

Tim McNamara
Thanks, for a great explanation of why I can't do it :-) Actually at least now I have a better understanding of the problem. Thanks again.
This seems like a solution.
Sweet! Nice find, thanks!
Tim McNamara

The best method is to use a web browser instead. We use iMacros for Firefox for web scraping with very good success. It also works from Python (we use it with C#).

The drawback with using a web browser is that you do not get the same performance as with a headless tool like Mechanize. But the huge advantage is that it works with any website.

Well iMacros kinda lead me to find which looks interesting.
Interesting tool, that said I find `mechanize` very slow for our needs. I use `scrapy`.
Tim McNamara