




i am trying to develop a job site using jobberland scripts. but on connecting to server the above error shows on all the pages.can u help me with the fix please. is the problem with scripts or with databases(as some sites have explained while i searched on this query)

+1  A: 

There's an endless loop (or circular references) caused by HTTP redirection somewhere in the scripts.


This might happen sometimes due to clogged session ( rather invalid cookies in your browser ) or also because of the redirection feature used in server. Say for example, the user access Page A, the server might ask the browser to redirect to some Page B by passing on some headers; and based on headers the browser might redirect to a Page B which in turn redirects back to Page A. And it goes on creating an indeterminate loop.

To solve you can try the following:

  • Clear your cookies in your browser
  • Check the session management and redirection mechanism which you have developed
  • Try to clear the server session variables and retry.

Hope it helps!!!

Guru Charan

Like stillstanding said. You have an endlessloop caused either by your php script or by a rewrite rule in your .htaccess or even caused by both.

For example you have a userlogin and if the user is not logged in you redirect any page to /. In index.php you check if the user is loged in and if not you normaly redirect to /login.php BUT lets now say you made an error and put a /user.php there so that user.php redirects to / because the user is not logged in.


I had this same issue with a PHP page I was working on. While checking how it rendered in various browsers I got this weird error. I was never able to determine what caused it, the page loaded fine in IE9 + Opera, but gave this error in Firefox. The script checked for a stored cookie and showed a link based on it, but I wasn't using any redirects or sending any headers from the script. When the cookie was present in Firefox I got this error, when it wasn't the page loaded fine. Even after deleting and re-writing the cookie same thing. I removed Firefox and reinstalled the latest version and the error stopped popping up, so it seemed like something to do with Firefox handling the cookie although I have no idea why.
