



I have a desktop application communicating with a WCF service that I have implemented. The desktop client does not use a generated proxy (Add Service Reference or SvcUtil) rather it uses a channel factory with a reference to the WCF Service contract assembly (the contract assmebly is separate to the implementation). I now need to provide Asynchronous support for the service methods, but I still don't want to use a generated proxy. The only option I see is to extend the Service Contract with operation contracts decorated with the AsyncPattern=true attribute. I have looked at the msdn example at http:// ms731177.aspx but I don't see how the asynchronous methods relate to the synchronous method and how much code do I need to write in the implementation of CompletedAsyncResult -having a single string input and output over simplifies the example.

Can anyone suggest how I implement the asynchronous implementations on the server side (a beeter example than that on the msdn site would be great)