




Is there a way to get the url's of google results on big scale? So instead of 10 results 100 or 1000?

(example: http://goohackle.com/tools/google-parser/)

+2  A: 

From a technical perspective you can do it, but it is against Google's TOS to actually do it.

Update: To my knowledge, there is not any service that would allow you to do this because, ultimately, Google controls who has access to their services and data. As a result, they also control who (and how) individuals can use their data. Using a tool like the one you described would allow someone to circumvent parts of Google (AKA - advertisements) that Google definitely does not want bypassed as that is their revenue stream and their customers (AKA - advertisers) would move onto some other service if they knew their ads were being bypassed.

But is there no site like google (or yahoo etc.) that will?
@Kevin - I updated my answer with an explanation of why you can't do what you want to do.

On http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en you can set "results per page" option.


I think this code snippet should be self-explanatory

$url = "http://www.google.com/search?q=test&amp;num=100";
$html = file_get_contents($url);
$dom = @DOMDocument::loadHTML($html);
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
$anchors = $xpath->query('//a[@class="l"]');
foreach($anchors as $anchor)
    echo $anchor->getAttribute('href').'<br/>';

Edit #2:

As @JasCav already said, you should use this at your own responsibility. It's against Google's ToS and they would probably detect it eventually.

Gray Fox
I mean plain url's, not complete results
I updated my answer, you should be more specific in your question.
Gray Fox