Mike's answer is the one you're looking for, but that's not a situation you want to find yourself in. You should develop an over-the-wire protocol that uses a fixed-length field that describes how much data is going to be sent. It's a Type-Length-Value protocol, which you'll find again and again and again in network protocols. It future-proofs your protocol against unforeseen requirements and helps isolate network transmission problems from programmatic ones.
The sending side becomes something like:
socket.write(struct.pack("B", type) #send a one-byte msg type
socket.write(struct.pack("H", len(data)) #send a two-byte size field
And the receiving side something like:
type = socket.read(1) # get the type of msg
dataToRead = struct.unpack("H", socket.read(2))[0] # get the len of the msg
data = socket.read(dataToRead) # read the msg
if TYPE_FOO == type:
elif TYPE_BAR == type:
raise UnknownTypeException(type)
You end up with an over-the-wire message format that looks like:
struct {
unsigned char type;
unsigned short length;
void *data;