Writing correct multi-threaded code is hard, and there is not a magic formula or set of steps that will get you there. But, there are some guidelines you can follow.
Personally I wouldn't start with writing code for a single threaded environment and then converting it to multi-threaded. Good multi-threaded code is designed with multi-threading in mind from the start. Atomicity of fields is just one element of concurrent code.
You should decide on what areas of the code need to be multi-threaded (in a multi-threaded app, typically not everything needs to be threadsafe). Then you need to design how those sections will be threadsafe. Methods of making one area of the code threadsafe may be different than making other areas different. For example, understanding whether there will be a high volume of reading vs writing is important and might affect the types of locks you use to protect the data.
Immutability is also a key element of threadsafe code. When elements are immutable (i.e. cannot be changed), you don't need to worry about multiple threads modifying them since they cannot be changed. This can greatly simplify thread safety issues and allow you to focus on where you will have multiple data readers and writers.
Understanding details of concurrency in Java (and details of the Java memory model) is very important. If you're not already familiar with these concepts, I recommend reading Java Concurrency In Practice http://www.javaconcurrencyinpractice.com/.