Hi everyone.
I have a problem that just started happening after I reinstalled my website's server.
In the past I could do do this:
set msgSet = conn.execute("select * from base_scroller where scroller_num = 1"
check if it's not empty or anything else
<% if msgSet("scroller_name") <> "" then %>
and if it is i could do anything with it (like showing it's value)
<%= msgSet("scroller_name") %>
<% end if %>
Now I can't do this, the "if" test doesn't work with the "msgSet("scroller_name")" and I have to redifine it first in another variable
<% scrollername = msgSet("scroller_name") %>
then and only then I can do tests on it...
<% if scrollername <> "" then %>
and show it too.
<%= scrollername %>
<% end if %>
I would just like to get back the option to do the operations on the mysql recordset variables like b4....
Has someone come across this problem ? what has changed, is it a falty mysql varsion or something ?
Thank you guys.