




My build server is giving me an error that doesn't show up on my local instance. It boils down to the following. I can submit a form to the couchdb server using the following command and it will get passed to an update handler.

curl -X POST http://localhost:5984/master_build/_design/couchforms/_update/xform -d @meta.xml

When I try the same thing on the build server, I get the following:


Where "..." is the escaped version of the following:


Other simple queries to the couchdb server on the build server respond normally.

What does this message mean?


I am going to answer my own question here. I was getting this error because

sudo apt-get install couchdb

on Ubuntu installs a very out of date version, while I had the latest version on my own computer. To install couch on Ubuntu, it's probably easiest to download an up-to-date binary at http://www.couch.io/get . At least as of now, it's probably not a good idea to install the apt-get version.

Danny Roberts