



Hi, map seems to load fine, i can see maps, and also i can see the mark of mexico that the expample gives you

but... when i click on the MEXICO mark, my application crash, with the common message of android application crash

i think that i know the problem, but i dont know how to solve it:

in step 7, tuto says this:

Now set up the ability to handle touch events on the overlay items. First, you're going to need a reference to the application Context as a member of this class. So add Context mContext as a class member, then initialize it with a new class constructor:

public HelloItemizedOverlay(Drawable defaultMarker, Context context) {
  mContext = context;

ok, but in the main tuto class, when it declares this class, doesn't give it the context:

HelloItemizedOverlay itemizedoverlay = new HelloItemizedOverlay(drawable);

i tryed to do this: new HelloItemizedOverlay(drawable, getApplicationContext());

but doesn't works... map appears without mexico mark

can someone help me plz?