



Here is a sample .cmd file I am running into an issue,the error says "The system cannot find the batch label specified - DEBUG"

if "%Param1:~0,1%"=="M" set Param1=%Param1:~0,8%E 

goto DEBUG --->fails with error "The system cannot find the batch label specified - DEBUG"



/*this is a very lengthy line with lot of argument,this used to work previously.I just added one more argument and my script breaks with this error,if I remove the newly added argument,it works fine,some problem with the newly added argument I believe*/

/*Or if I increase the new lines in this block,the error goes away.I fail to understand how come adding new lines resolves the issue.*/


echo -----DEBUG--------------

I have seen an old post where it says "it is because of It seems like the if the target label is spanning the batch processor's buffer (blocksize=512, from my observation on Win2K & XP), the error message is generated. ",looks like my issue is related to this.Can someone pls explain this in simpler terms? Thanks