



Ok, here is my controller using Wicket 1.5M2:

public class Users extends WebPage {

private static final List<User> users = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<User>());

public Users() {

    final UserForm userForm = new UserForm("userForm");

    add(new ListView<User>("users", users) {

        protected void populateItem(ListItem<User> item) {
            final User user = item.getModelObject();

            item.add(new Label("name", user.getName()));
            item.add(DateLabel.forDatePattern("dateOfBirth", new Model(user.getDateOfBirth()), "dd.MM.yyyy"));
            item.add(new Label("email", user.getEmail()));

            item.add(new Link("editLink") {

                public void onClick() {


            item.add(new Link("removeLink") {

                public void onClick() {




private class UserForm extends Form<User> {

    public UserForm(String id) {
        super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel<User>(new User()));

        add(new TextField<String>("name"));
        add(DateTextField.forDatePattern("dateOfBirth", "dd.MM.yyyy"));
        add(new TextField<String>("email"));

    protected void onSubmit() {
        User user = getModelObject();
        setModelObject(new User());

It works when I use only one browser window at a time for CRUD operations. If I use two windows, the list of users does not update, unless I input the base address again to the address field to reload the page.

CLARIFICATION: Using different browsers simultaneously in same computer works good. Only when using multiple windows in same browser it does not work.

  • What is happening behind the scenes?

  • I set setVersioned(false) for the whole page, why is it that my address bar shows addresses like: http://localhost:8080/wicket/bookmarkable/ Isn't that number 2 the version of the page?

  • Most importantly what do I need to do to make this behave like a desktop GUI app, so one browser window == one instance of the app.


I'm not sure about your main issue, but setVersioned(false) does exactly what you think it does and appears to be working. Whatever the 2 is, it's not the Wicket page version number; if it were, the 2 would have come after a period, not a question mark.

Check out this page about versioning, specifically not displaying version numbers: Wicket extreme consistent URLs

Lord Torgamus