




I am a computer science major and I will be attending a career fair, hopefully interesting anyone in taking my resume. My GPA is pretty low, around a 2.7 after summer classes. If I am applying for an undergraduate internship, is it required that I put my GPA on there? Is it recommended I do? What would be some good things to put on my resume for an undergraduate internship? Thanks.

+3  A: 

If you think your GPA is low, just leave it out. It is by no means required. A list of your own projects, if you have any, along with short descriptions would be a good thing to add to your resume.

+1. This is definitely right. If it's below 3.0, don't tell people unless they ask. Highlight your projects.
+1  A: 

For internships, most employers will want this information sooner or later.

Your best hope is to have enough interesting/impressive items on your resume that they'll take a chance on you anyway.
