



What can I do to set myself apart from other applicants as a student looking for a co-op?

For the sake of this question, assume that I have just walked into a computer science program this semester and have no previous experience in programming, whatsoever. I have about a year before I'll be looking for a job and in that time I will learn C++ or Java. I want a co-op experience that will make me a better programmer and lead to great job opportunities upon graduation.

+3  A: 

Start programming. Today. Honestly, as an employer hiring for a programming co-op position, I would be wanting someone with at least some level of experience. A fancy resume on good paper, the worlds greatest cover letter, and the charming post-interview phone call all mean nothing compared to being a suitable candidate for a position.

That said, have someone proofread you resume and do write a personalized cover letter for each job you apply for. It lets employers know that you care enough about getting the job to put the least possible amount of effort into doing so.


I was just in a your shoes a few years ago and hear is what seems to make the biggest difference for me.

1) Get some sort of experience. Granted this sometime leads to the old "I can't get experience without experience" problem, but there are plenty of places to get some hands on knowledge. Sign up for some sort of school group or open source project if nothing else. Having just one technical job I could list on my resume opened up a ton of doors when job hunting.

2) This may come from 1),but consume as much knowledge about anything and everything that you can. Try to stay balanced better theory and technical skills, although most places will look for technical skills for an entry level position.

3) Do things that show you are motivated or hard working. Granted this can be accomlished by things in the first two points. Many places are more willing to overlook a lack of current abilities if they know that you have the determination to work hard to acquire new skills. This fact alone pretty much got me my most recent job. Listen to podcasts, attend user group meetings (also a great way to network and find smart people), sign up for schools project, etc.

Jacob Adams

Start programming. Today. Yep, I know it's a repeat of what @ironkeith said. But that's the best, nay, the only way to become better candidate.

If you start your own small project, make sure it's finished. Alternatively, get engaged with a small open source project and start with small contributions like bug fixes. Whatever you do, make sure it's out there somewhere and is listed in your resume.

Also, make sure you don't exagerate on your resume. You'll have enough time to do this later. Put in plain terms whatever you know and don't put anything you have not done before. You'll be caunght on the interview.

Franci Penov

read, program, learn things, have good grades, wear pants to interviews, yadda yadda yadda - these fall into the 'duh' category...

what will probably be more important for your first job/internship is to meet people. Next year, you may be the most qualified candidate on the planet for a dream intership, but the guy that knows somebody who works there will probably get a personal recommendation that will put him ahead of you in the queue.

it is about what you know, but it is also about who you know - because who you know will get you in the door, noticed, and vouched for. The more people you know, the more likely it becomes that one of them will be able to help you land that intership next year.

Steven A. Lowe
+2  A: 
  1. Come up with an idea for a program (or web site or whatever) you'd like to see, and then make it. Demonstrate your program during your co-op interview. I have never interviewed an intern who brought something to show me.
  2. Learn SQL. Any flavor. Although working with databases isn't emphasized very strongly in most Computer Science programs, it's probably the most common task that programmers get put to. And yet I have never interviewed an intern who knew any SQL at all (or even what is was, for that matter).
  3. Don't ask how much the "job" pays. You're lucky to get anything at all. :) Seriously, though, don't ask how much the job pays.

Either of the first two would pretty much guarantee a hiring recommendation from me, as would offering to work for free.

Why shouldn't someone ask how much a job pays? I think that is a legitimate question when interviewing. I wouldn't want to get stuck being paid $10/hr as a dev... even as a co-op.
This was a question about a co-op position, not a regular job. A co-op/internship is primarily an opportunity to learn and possibly impress a potential full-time employer. The pay is a courtesy on the company's part. If you decide where to intern based on the pay, you're making a serious mistake.
If (after the interview process) you decide you can't survive on the offered amount, then don't accept the position. But you should not ask what the pay is while being interviewed by programmers - the HR people will tell you.
+1  A: 

1) Network. Is there a local Java or C++ user group that you could join and get to know other developers? I know there are various .Net groups that may also be an option.

2) Code. As has been said elsewhere, start writing programs and have a little portfolio of code, e.g. what is your solution to the "FizzBuzz" problem? How well do you write unit tests? How well thought out is your code the first time you write it?

3) Know the company you are applying to. When you apply to company ABC, consider having a cover letter that states specifically how you are what they want, e.g. your a self-starter, motivated, quick learner, etc.

Those would be my suggestions.

JB King