I've got a two dimensional array and I want to apply a function to each value in the array.
Here's what I'm working with:
scala> val array = Array.tabulate(2,2)((x,y) => (0,0))
array: Array[Array[(Int, Int)]] = Array(Array((0,0), (0,0)), Array((0,0), (0,0)))
I'm using foreach to extract the tuples:
scala> array.foreach(i => i.foreach(j => println(i)))
Let's make a simple function:
//Takes two ints and return a Tuple2. Not sure this is the best approach.
scala> def foo(i: Int, j: Int):Tuple2[Int,Int] = (i+1,j+2)
foo: (i: Int,j: Int)(Int, Int)
This runs, but need to apply to array(if mutable) or return new array.
scala> array.foreach(i => i.foreach(j => foo(j._1, j._2)))
Shouldn't be to bad. I'm missing some basics I think...