



I'm using Mongoid to work with MongoDB in Rails.

What I'm looking for is something like active record include. Currently I failed to find such method in mongoid orm.

Anybody know how to solve this problem in mongoid or perhaps in mongomapper, which is known as another good alternative.

+3  A: 

Based on the documentation of both drivers, neither of them supports what you're looking for. Probably because it wouldn't solve anything.

The :include functionality of ActiveRecord solves the N+1 problem for SQL databases. By telling ActiveRecord which related tables to include, it can build a single SQL query, by using JOIN statements. This will result in a single database call, regardless of the amount of tables you want to query.

MongoDB only allows you to query a single collection at a time. It doesn't support anything like a JOIN. So even if you could tell Mongoid which other collections it has to include, it would still have to perform a separate query for each additional collection.

Niels van der Rest

You need update your schema to avoid this N+1 there are no solution in MongoDB to do some jointure.


Embed the detail records/documents in the master record/document.