



Hi Folks,

I've got a list of objects List[Object] which are all instantiated from the same class. This class has a field which must be unique What is the cleanest way to iterate the list of objects and remove all objects(but the first) with the same property?

Cheers Parsa

+11  A: 

Explanation: The groupBy method accepts a function that converts an element to a key for grouping. is just shorthand for elem: Object => (the compiler generates a unique name, something like x$1). So now we have a map Map[Property, List[Object]]. A Map[K,V] extends Traversable[(K,V)]. So it can be traversed like a list, but elements are a tuple. This is similar to Java's Map#entrySet(). The map method creates a new collection by iterating each element and applying a function to it. In this case the function is _._2.head which is shorthand for elem: (Property, List[Object]) => elem._2.head. _2 is just a method of Tuple that returns the second element. The second element is List[Object] and head returns the first element

To get the result to be a type you want:

import collection.breakOut
val l2: List[Object] = list.groupBy{}.map{_._2.head}(breakOut)

To explain briefly, map actually expects two arguments, a function and an object that is used to construct the result. In the first code snippet you don't see the second value because it is marked as implicit and so provided by the compiler from a list of predefined values in scope. The result is usually obtained from the mapped container. This is usually a good thing. map on List will return List, map on Array will return Array etc. In this case however, we want to express the container we want as result. This is where the breakOut method is used. It constructs a builder (the thing that builds results) by only looking at the desired result type. It is a generic method and the compiler infers its generic types because we explicitly typed l2 to be List[Object]

or, to preserve order (assuming Object#property is of type Property):

list.foldLeft((List[Object](), Set[Property]())){(r, o) => 
  if (r._2( r else (o :: r._1, r._2 +

foldLeft is a method that accepts an initial result and a function that accepts an element and returns an updated result. The method iterates each element, updating the result according to applying the function to each element and returning the final result. In this case, the initial result is a pair (tuple) of an empty list and a set. The list is the result we're interested in and the set is used to keep track of what properties we already encountered. In each iteration we check if the set (r._2) already contains the property (in Scala, obj(x) is translated to obj.apply(x). In Set, the method apply is def apply(a: A): Boolean. That is, accepts an element and returns true / false if it exists or not). If the property exists (already encountered), the result is returned as-is. Otherwise the result is updated to contain the object (o :: r._1) and the property is recorded (r._2 +

Update: @andreypopp wanted a generic method:

import scala.collection.IterableLike
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom

class RichCollection[A, Repr](xs: IterableLike[A, Repr]){
  def distinctBy[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, A, That]) = {
    val builder = cbf(xs.repr)
    val i = xs.iterator
    var set = Set[B]()
    while(i.hasNext) {
      val o =
      val b = f(o)
      if (!set(b)) {
        set += b
        builder += o

implicit def toRich[A, Repr](xs: IterableLike[A, Repr]) = new RichCollection(xs)

to use:

scala> list.distinctBy(
res7: List[Obj] = List(Obj(1), Obj(2), Obj(3))
perfect, just made a paradigm shift.
Would be awesome if you can provide a quick explanation. I think Scala is sufficiently new that not everyone will understand this immediately.
Sudhir Jonathan
Specifically, what does `_2` do in this context?
Sudhir Jonathan
@Sudhir: _1 and _2 are methods that return the first and second element of a tuple.
ref 2nd solution, Property is not a type so you can't do Set[Property] to my understanding.
Ah, okay. Very nice... this is why I'm staring Scala :D
Sudhir Jonathan
Maybe scala collection needs distinct(A => B), that do distinct by key?
Added such a method
+1, This method - `distinctBy` - should be added to the stdlib, methinks.
+5  A: 

Here is a little bit sneaky but fast solution that preserves order:

list.filter{ var set = Set[Property]()
    obj => val b = set(; set +=; b}

Although it uses internally a var, I think it is easier to understand and to read than the foldLeft-solution.

I agree. Cool trick with the scope hiding of the var
I'm clearly missing something here. What is Property exactly?
@parsa28: Property is the type of
+1  A: 


One more solution

    def CollectUnique(l: List[Object], s: Set[Property], u: List[Object]): List[Object] = l match {

      case Nil => u.reverse
      case (h :: t) => if (s( CollectUnique(t,s,u) 
                          else CollectUnique(t,s+h.prop,h::u)
