Here is a Solution to this problem, a utility class called FieldHelper
that has a method
Map<String, Object[]> properties =
FieldHelper.getCommonProperties(Object a, Object b)
The returned map has the field name as key and an array of the two field values as value:
public final class FieldHelper{
private FieldHelper(){}
private static final Map<Class<?>, Map<String, PropertyDescriptor>> cache =
new HashMap<Class<?>, Map<String, PropertyDescriptor>>();
* Return a Map of field names to {@link PropertyDescriptor} objects for a
* given bean.
public static Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> getBeanProperties(final Object o){
final Class<?> clazz = o.getClass();
Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> descriptors;
descriptors = cache.get(clazz);
} else{
final BeanInfo beanInfo =
Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz, Object.class);
descriptors = new TreeMap<String, PropertyDescriptor>();
for(final PropertyDescriptor pd : beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()){
descriptors.put(pd.getName(), pd);
new TreeMap<String, PropertyDescriptor>(descriptors));
final Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> beanProperties = descriptors;
return beanProperties;
} catch(final IntrospectionException e){
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't get bean metadata", e);
* Return a Map of all field names and their respective values that two
* objects have in common. Warning: the field values can be of different
* types.
public static Map<String, Object[]> getCommonProperties(final Object a,
final Object b){
final Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> aProps = getBeanProperties(a);
final Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> bProps = getBeanProperties(b);
final Set<String> aKeys = aProps.keySet();
final Set<String> bKeys = bProps.keySet();
final Map<String, Object[]> map = new TreeMap<String, Object[]>();
for(final String propertyName : aKeys){
final Object aVal = getPropertyValue(a, aProps.get(propertyName));
final Object bVal = getPropertyValue(b, bProps.get(propertyName));
map.put(propertyName, new Object[] { aVal, bVal });
return map;
* Return the value of a bean property, given the bean and the {@link PropertyDescriptor}.
private static Object getPropertyValue(final Object a,
final PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor){
return propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(a);
} catch(final IllegalArgumentException e){
throw new IllegalStateException("Bad method arguments", e);
} catch(final IllegalAccessException e){
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't access method", e);
} catch(final InvocationTargetException e){
throw new IllegalStateException("Invocation error", e);
Test Code:
public static void main(final String[] args){
class Foo{
private String abc = "abc";
private String defy = "defy";
private String ghi = "ghi";
private String jkl = "jkl";
// stripped getters and setters
// they must be there for this to work
class Bar{
private Boolean abc = true;
private Integer def = 3;
private String ghix = "ghix3";
private Date jkl = new Date();
// stripped getters and setters
// they must be there for this to work
final Map<String, Object[]> properties =
getCommonProperties(new Foo(), new Bar());
for(final Entry<String, Object[]> entry : properties.entrySet()){
System.out.println("Field: " + entry.getKey() + ", value a: "
+ entry.getValue()[0] + ", value b: " + entry.getValue()[1]);
Field: abc, value a: abc, value b: true
Field: jkl, value a: jkl, value b: Tue Oct 12 14:03:31 CEST 2010
Note: this code doesn't actually read the fields, it follows the java bean convention and uses the getters instead. It would be easy to rewrite it to use fields, but I would advise against it.