



Hi all,

I need to parse an XML file so that i can use and indexed UITableView. If I parse the xml, i create an array that holds Companys (for example). I have a class that is the Company, with it's address, etc... How can I go from one array to an array of arrays, with the A, B, C, ...? Do i must create so many arrays has the letters of the alphabet? Is there an easier way?




You can filtered your array dynamically, but for performance it should be better to filter data before. You can have an array of array (I should prefer a dictionary of array).

PS: You can tag your post with iphone or ios

Create the dictionary:

NSMutableDictionary* sectionDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:26];

For each element 'company' which I suppose have a 'name' NSString field:

  NSString *firstLetter = [[ substringToIndex:0] uppercaseString];
  if ([sectionDict objectForKey:firstLetter]==nil) {
    [sectionDict setObject:[NSMutableArray array]];
  [[sectionDict objectForKey:firstLetter] addObject:company];
you mean, a dictionary of arrays, right? But, when i'm parsing the xml from a server, i need to check to what letter the Company starts with, to add to the correspondent array, correct?
Rui Lopes
What is your problem ? You don't know how to parse your xml file, or you don't know how to create the dictionary of array with the first letter ?
Parse the XML - no problem. What i'm confused about is how to add each Company to the correspondent Array. Can you help me?
Rui Lopes