
Indexed Views in OLTPs?

I'm familiar with SQL Server Indexed Views (or Oracle Materialized Views), we use them in our OLAP applications. They have the really cool feature of being able to usurp an execution plan and remap it to the indexed view w/out having to change existing code. IE. Let's say I had a SPROC that was a really expensive join. SELECT [SOME ...

Re-indexing large table - how screwed am I?

I have a 1 TB, 600m row, table which has a misguided choice of indexed columns, specifically a clustered index on the primary key column which is never used in a select query. I want to remove the clustered index from this row and create it on a number of other rows. Table is currently like this: colA (PK, nvarchar(3)) [clustered i...

How to index an array?

Hello! I have a multi dimensional array, like this: array('name' => array('title'=>'Title','date'=>'Created')) I store it as JSON 'array', and when I decode it, I want to reach every item by its number, so I want an indexed array. How could I solve this in PHP? Tim ...

Grails indexed parameters

I have a list of Team objects that have an Integer seed property. I want to edit all the teams' seeds at once, in a single form. I'm sure that Grails supports indexed parameters, but I can't get it to work. Here is what I have, and it works but I'm jumping through way too many hoops and there's gotta be a better way. gsp: <g:form acti...

SQL Indexed Views : what happens if data has changed

Hi. I undestand what indexed view are but i wonder what exactly happens when the data in underlaying table(s) has been changed? Is entire view cache discarded od just changed rows? I have very complex query on several tables(+5) which is used for searching hotels availability(+100k records) and IMHO indexed view could improves performan...

Flash browser app ActionScript: how to extract a subset of objects from a sorted array *efficiently*?

I have a browser-deployed Flash app (not an AIR app with access to SQLConnection) and it fetches JSON results from a remote server via HTTPService. I need to extract subsets from the returned resultset, an array of objects, efficiently. Mutltiple calls through the cloud to the back-end won't do. It all has to happen client-side. Is t...

How to check whether a file is open already in COBOL?

I am trying to find out a way to check whether a file is already opened in COBOL, so that I can open it if it is closed or close it if it is opened. Thnx. ...

Can color cycling be achieved in GDI+?

Is "color cycling" possible in GDI+ with WinForms? I'd like the modify one or more colors in the palette of an on screen surface so that whenever the surface is repainted, GDI+ will use the modified colors. Rather than perform the transformation manually pixel-by-pixel, I hope to use GDI+'s capability to render surfaces using indexed...

C++: need indexed set

I need an indexed associative container that operates as follows: initially empty, size=0. when I add a new element to it, it places it at index [size], very similar to a vector's push_back. It increments the size and returns the index of the newly added element. if the element already exists, it returns the index where it occurs. S...

Editing 8bpp indexed Bitmaps

hi, i'm trying to edit the pixels of a 8bpp. Since this PixelFormat is indexed i'm aware that it uses a Color Table to map the pixel values. Even though I can edit the bitmap by converting it to 24bpp, 8bpp editing is much faster (13ms vs 3ms). But, changing each value when accessing the 8bpp bitmap results in some random rgb colors even...

Is there a way to know when the index on uitableview is actually used?

Is there a way to know when the index on uitableview is actually used? I can’t find any methods in the Apple documentation, but I was wondering if anyone else knows anything. I would basically like to make an animation in my table view that changes depending on what section is selected in the index, and I have no idea how to do this with...

When should I use indexed arrays of OpenGL vertices?

I'm trying to get a clear idea of when I should be using indexed arrays of OpenGL vertices, drawn with gl[Multi]DrawElements and the like, versus when I should simply use contiguous arrays of vertices, drawn with gl[Multi]DrawArrays. (Update: The consensus in the replies I got is that one should always be using indexed vertices.) I hav...

Drawing an indexed image on iPhone

Hi all, The issue is drawing an indexed image on an iPhone (1 byte pr pixel, 256 colors). You can easily convert a raw image to a CGImage if it is 24 or 32 bts per pixel RGB using 'CGBitmapContextCreate' and 'CGBitmapContextCreateImage' but it does not work with indexed images, I have searched in iPhone SDK documentation and the WEB but...

SQL Server Full Text Search Index View

I want to use the Full Text Search feature of Microsoft SQL Server. If I have a table Client which refers other tables like City, Country, Department, etc. is it better to create a separate table that would hold de-normalized data, which would then be full text indexed, or is it better to create a dummy value in every foreign table (for...

Problem with indexed table...UITableView iPhone problem

Hi, I am trying to grab the data from the database and display all the values in sorted order grouped into sections from A-Z and also my UITableView is indexed. In this case the indexes are A-Z. The strange thing that's happening is when I get all the values from the DB onto the table, I see that values under section 'B' has some values...

UITableView navigationController Section Index align after Navigation Header

In a Section Indexed UITableView how do you make the title of the section chosen (by pressing the Section Index) align *not* at the very top of the screen (under the navigation controller) but rather flush after the Navigation Bar Header at the top? like this: [button] Navigation Bar Header at top of screen [other button] X (section l...

How do you create an indexed table view based on last name.

If you could find a tutorial for an indexed table view based on last name like the "Contacts" app, that would be great. I've search all around but can't find one on last names. ...

how to go from XML to an indexed UITableView

Hi all, I need to parse an XML file so that i can use and indexed UITableView. If I parse the xml, i create an array that holds Companys (for example). I have a class that is the Company, with it's address, etc... How can I go from one array to an array of arrays, with the A, B, C, ...? Do i must create so many arrays has the letters of...