Hi I have quite a big problem. I draw elipse using Path element in wpf. My ellipse looks like that
<Path x:Key="MainPath" Fill="{StaticResource DefaultBrush}" Stretch="Fill" Grid.RowSpan="2" Data=" M453.5,140.5C453.5,217.81986 352.0925,280.5 227,280.5 101.9075,280.5 0.5,217.81986 0.5,140.5 0.5,63.180135 101.9075,0.5 227,0.5 352.0925,0.5 453.5,63.180135 453.5,140.5z" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"/>
Is there any way to calculate coordinat of rectangle corners, in that way for rectangle to fit in this elipse ??