



I have a number of classes exposed as JAX-RS request "handlers", using annotations. I want to add certain actions before every request and after each request. Also, I need to create a global application-wide exception handler, which will catch everything thrown by these handlers and protocol.

Is it possible to achieve this with standard JAX-RS without creating of a custom class inherited from com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer (I'm using Jersey).


You can use filters to read and modify all requests and responses.

Eugene Kuleshov

You could create a proxy RESTful service and use this as the entry point to all your other RESTful services. This proxy can receive requests, do any pre-processing, call the RESTful service required, process the response and then return something to the caller.

I have a set up like this in a project I've been working on. The proxy performs functions like authentication, authorisation and audit logging. I can go into further details if you like.

Here is an idea of how you might want to implement a proxy that supports GET requests;

public class Proxy
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Proxy.class);

@Context private UriInfo uriInfo;

public Response doProxy(@Context HttpServletRequest req,
                 @PathParam("webService") String webService,
                 @PathParam("method") String method)
    log.debug("log request details");

    //implement this method to work out the URL of your end service
    String url = constructURL(req, uriInfo, webService, method);

    //Do any actions here before calling the end service

    Client client = Client.create();
    WebResource resource = client.resource(url);

        ClientResponse response = resource.get(ClientResponse.class);
        int status = response.getStatus();
        String responseData = response.getEntity(String.class);

        log.debug("log response details");

        //Do any actions here after getting the response from the end service,
        //but before you send the response back to the caller.

        return Response.status(status).entity(responseData).build();
    catch (Throwable t)
        //Global exception handler here
        //remember to return a Response of some kind.
@Qwerky Sounds like a solution, but how will you "process the response"? Can you give an example of this RESTful proxy?

You can also use ExceptionMappers. This mechanism which catch the exception thrown by your service and convert it to the appropriate Response:

public class PersistenceMapper implements ExceptionMapper<PersistenceException> {  

    public Response toResponse(PersistenceException arg0) {  
        if(arg0.getCause() instanceof InvalidDataException) { 
           return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();  
        } else { 


For more information see:

Blaise Doughan