



I am looking to do something like this. I remember I had some issues with values disappearing when programming like this. Is this type of structure "correct/valid" for a hash?

my %VAR;
$VAR{SCALAR} = "test scalar";
$VAR{ARRAY}[0] = "test array";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[0] = "test hash array 1";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[1] = "test hash array 2";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[2]{SOMEHASH} = "test hash array hash 1";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[2]{ANOTHERHASH} = "test hash array hash 2";
+5  A: 

I see no reason why this wouldn't work. What issues are you seeing?

If you want to make sure your data structure looks like what you'd expect, I recommend something like Data::Dumper:

 # set up your %VAR hash as you like
 use Data::Dumper;
 print Dumper(\%VAR);

Should get something like:

$VAR1 = {
      'HASH' => {
                  'NAME' => [
                              'test hash array 1',
                              'test hash array 2',
                                'ANOTHERHASH' => 'test hash array hash 2',
                                'SOMEHASH' => 'test hash array hash 1'
      'ARRAY' => [
                   'test array'
      'SCALAR' => 'test scalar'
+1  A: 

This isn't exactly your question, but... if you're actually building the data structure in that fashion, you might consider a cleaner "literal" syntax:

use strict;
use warnings;

my %VAR = (
  SCALAR => 'test scalar',
  ARRAY => [
    'test array',
  HASH => {
    NAME => [
      'test hash array 1',
      'test hash array 2',
        SOMEHASH => 'test hash array hash 1',
        ANOTHERHASH => 'test hash array hash 2',

The main two reasons are readability and autovivification bugs. That's not incorrect perl, but it can lead to hard-to-debug issues, such as accidentally typing:

$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[1] = "test hash array 1";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[2] = "test hash array 2";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[2] = "test hash array 3";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[4] = "test hash array 4";

instead of

$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[1] = "test hash array 1";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[2] = "test hash array 2";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[3] = "test hash array 3";
$VAR{HASH}{NAME}[4] = "test hash array 4";

Which can't be an issue if you're using

  'test hash array 1',
  'test hash array 2',
  'test hash array 3',
  'test hash array 4',
Sir Robert

Often when people complain about disappearing values it's because they replaced them. When you assign to any part of a hash, you replace the value that was there previously even if it was a reference value:

use 5.010;

use Data::Dumper;

my %hash;

$hash{key} = { qw(a 1 b 2) };
say Dumper( \%hash );

$hash{key} = 5;
say Dumper( \%hash );

The output shows that the hash reference that was the second level is no longer there:

$VAR1 = {
          'key' => {
                     'a' => '1',
                     'b' => '2'

$VAR1 = {
          'key' => 5

You just have to be careful what and where you assign things, just like you do with any other variable.

brian d foy