Possible Duplicate:
@ (at sign) in drupal
I know that sometimes it has to do with error suppression but I'm looking at Drupal code and I can't recognize the syntax:
Example 1:
$batch = array(
'operations' => $operations,
'finished' => '_install_profile_batch_finished',
'title' => st('Installing @drupal', array('@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_name())),
'error_message' => st('The installation has encountered an error.'),
Example 2:
drupal_set_title(st('@drupal installation complete', array('@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_name())));
Example 3:
$output .= '<p>'. (isset($messages['error']) ? st('Please review the messages above before continuing on to <a href="@url">your new site</a>.', array('@url' => url(''))) : st('You may now visit <a href="@url">your new site</a>.', array('@url' => url('')))) .'</p>';