SQL Server 2008 has added some cool new Spacial types and given SQL Developers a lot more powerful ways of manipulating spacial data but it still eludes me how to efficently return, for example, only the locations that are within ## mile radius of a long list of zips (20 to maybe 15 thousand distinct zipcodes).
Is there a simple way to do this? The only possible solution that comes to mind seems to be somewhat scary due to the cartiasian product created and therefore the rediculous number of calculations...
I am adept at creating CLR SP's and Functions if that helps (as I assume it will...).
I'm not so concerned with how to find the distance between 2 points (or geography types), rather the "is the given location within ## miles of any of the zipcodes (geography points) in the supplied list?" The complex part here is the list of zips to search around.