Can someone tell me how to code an event to command in a style for a tabitem? I have no problems using it elsewhere but I can not figure it out for a style.
I am trying to do this in Xaml for WPF using MVVM-Light toolkit.
Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
<DataTemplate x:Key="WorkspacesTemplate">
ItemsSource="{Binding}" TabItemCloseButtonVisibility="Visible"
Theme="Office2k7Black" >
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igWindows:TabItemEx}"
BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type igWindows:TabItemEx}}" >
<Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding Path=DisplayName}" />
<i:EventTrigger >
<cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding Path=CloseCommand}" />
I am using an infragistics TabControl but it shouldnt be much different than a regular tab control.