



I'm building an HTML5 application (with ASP.NET back-end) and i want to develop it in such a way that i can run it locally with all my resources (such js and css) not minified (so i can debug it easily). However when i build the final version i want merge and minify the resources. At the same time i want to create several versions of the app targeting different platforms (iPhone, iPad, desktop, etc) by adding appropriate css.

I thought that the final output should be a set of html files (so the get cached nicely). I could use ASPX and just control the output by a query string parameter, but i don't really want to have the form tag on my page.

So the questions are:

  • What are the pros and cons of using static html pages generated from a template versus a dynamic ASPX page? (apart from being able to run on any web server)
  • If ASPX approach good enough then how can i get rid of the form tag that's required by ASP.NET?


Another factor in favor of static html pages is the fact that the files are served instantly, whereas ASPX may take awhile to load if the app has recycled.

The back-end is ASP.NET 2.0.


How about ASP.NET MVC?

Currently the app is on ASP.NET 2.0. We may end up moving to MVC.