



I am attempting to clone the functionality of google suggest. I have found google urls that return the the suggestions via json (

I am already using jquery, so i would prefer to use code similar to this for the auto-complete

the code that is lacking is the ajax to request the suggestions, and tie back into the jquery auto complete.

can someone tell me the general approach i should take? or point me to a similar example?


i think most people will use $.ajax to make a request. I think it's require too many parameter. Most of the time, i use $().load(). if u run on aspx u might want to try generic handle.

 var input = $(this);
 input.load("" + escape(input.val()), function(response, status, xml){
  var json = eval(response); // or eval("[" + response + "]")
  input.autocomplete({source: json });
good try. this makes sense, but it doesn't run... function is misspelled. not sure what else... doesn't generate error, just doesn't work for me.
Andrew Thomas