Dear stackoverflow users and contributors,
We are trying to set up a Mamp Pro installation ( on Mac ) which allows us to access PhPmyAdmin over the lan. We can access the htdocs folder to edit it's contents using standard sharing so that is not a problem.
The problem is that we can't seem to the access the PhPmyAdmin of this installation. I've googled for several hours trying to make this work and now I'm trying here.
I found several cases where they explain that you can access your phpMyAdmin via this:
but this is not working and I get this error:
Forbidden You don't have permission to access /MAMP on this server.
Accessing the servers content itself is working. I'm getting the test webpage provided with the clean installation of mamp pro.
Internet -> Airport Extreme provides LAN
3 hosts are connected to the Lan and one is a mac mini with the Lamp installation on it.
Can somebody help please?
Thx in advance!