I have the current basic structure for each domain object that I need to create:
class Model_Company extends LP_Model
protected static $_gatewayName = 'Model_Table_Company';
protected static $_gateway;
protected static $_class;
public static function init()
if(self::$_gateway == null)
self::$_gateway = new self::$_gatewayName();
self::$_class = get_class();
public static function get()
$param = func_get_arg(0);
if($param instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract)
$row = $param;
$row = self::$_gateway->find($param)->current();
return new self::$_class($row);
public static function getCollection()
$param = func_get_arg(0);
if($param instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract)
$rowset = $param;
$rowset = self::$_gateway->fetchAll();
$array = array ();
foreach ($rowset as $row)
$array[] = new self::$_class($row);
return $array;
I initially tried to refactor the static methods into the parent LP_Model class only to learn finally what "late static binding" means in the php world.
I'm just wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to refactor this code so that I don't have to redeclare the same three functions in every domain object that I create?