Hey folks,
Title is pretty self-explanatory. How can I convert an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document to a Scala NodeSeq, to enjoy it's facilitation?
Hey folks,
Title is pretty self-explanatory. How can I convert an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document to a Scala NodeSeq, to enjoy it's facilitation?
I wrote this code a while back to go in the other direction, from a Scala node to a Dom4J Node. It shows the basic idea of recursing over a tree and should be easy enough to adapt:
implicit def scalaToDom4j(n : Node) : DElem = {
def inner(n : Node) : Option[DNode] = {
n match {
case e : Elem =>
val elem = DocumentHelper.createElement(e.label)
for(c <- e.child) yield inner(c) collect {
case Some(child) => elem.add(child)
//as Scala's xml is type-aware, text might not actually be a Text node,
//but an Atom of some other type
case t : Atom[_] =>
case x => None
//Attempt the conversion. Throw an exception if something has gone badly wrong
//inner returns an Option[DNode], but the expected top-level type is a DElem
// (which is a subclass of DNode)
//so we also validate this.
inner(trim(n)) map (_.asInstanceOf[DElem]) getOrElse (error("xml failed"))
def asXml(dom: org.w3c.dom.Node): Node = {
val dom2sax = new DOM2SAX(dom)
val adapter = new NoBindingFactoryAdapter
return adapter.rootElem