




Is adding something like below to my site (for ex,my site is called mmmm.com) will work ?

 <link rel="openid.delegate" href="http://mmmm.myopenid.com"&gt;

I'm looking for simple stuff,that allows users to first register with their existing openid and then login to my site. There is lot of documents - but im confused.!

+2  A: 

If you want to set up OpenID log in functionality on your own web site, for other people to log in, openid.delegate has nothing to do with what you are looking for. It is a mechanism to allow you to use an OpenID under your domain when logging in to other websites.

What you are looking for isn't trivial. You would have to set up an authentication system based on OpenID, in a server side language like PHP or ASP.NET.

See http://wiki.openid.net/Libraries for a list of libraries to help with the task.

thanks for quick reply.