



Hi there!
I'm a student and have to work with Java and Eclipse. As we have teamprojects i have to sync my workspace with other students. The only problem i have is a folder called .metadata, right above my workspacefolder. Is there any possibility to change the path of this folder so that it won't be synced?

Thanks in advance and greetings from germany


You can sync your project folder instead of the whole workspace.

If you want to share multiple projects you can put them in a sub-folder of your workspace and share only this sub-folder.

BTW, I recommend you using a real SCM like GIT or SVN that give you opportunity to ignore some file/directory.

Alois Cochard
Hi, i did not know that the project does not have to be in the workspace folder. I will put the projects in the syncing folder - the .metadata folder will not be synched anymore. Thank you! I would use SVN - but i am a student and unfortunately i have not enough money to buy a server where i can run an svn server.
You can get free SVN or GIT hosting if giving public access to your code is not an issue. take a look at !
Alois Cochard
Thank you i'll look there! :)