




is there a way I can read in a namespace and loop threw all the classes in a t4 template using reflection or something?

<#foreach (class poco in LoadNamespace("Web.Code.Entities.Poco").Classes ) { #>
public interface I<# poco.ClassName #>Repository 
    IQueryable< <# poco.ClassName #> > Get();
    <# poco.ClassName #> Save(<# poco.ClassName #> entity);
    bool Delete(<# poco.ClassName #> entity);
<#} #>

example meta data:

namespace Web.Code.Entities.Poco
    public class Product
          public int Id { get; set; }
          public string Name{ get; set; }
          public string Category{ get; set; }

    public class Employee
          public int Id { get; set; }
          public string Name{ get; set; } 

desired output:

    public interface IProductRepository 
        IQueryable<Product> Get();
        Product Save(Product entity);
        bool Delete(Product entity);

    public interface IEmployeeRepository 
        IQueryable<Employee> Get();
        Employee Save(Employee entity);
        bool Delete(Employee entity);