




Is there any way to nest APKs so that you can open one with another?

I am looking to wrap a bunch of APKs with some control options that can fire an APK when selected. Even if i can start with one opening one other it would be a start...

I have thus far tried the dex loader to no avail... Keep getting a load error in the log dump.

Can anyone suggest a way to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help!

+2  A: 

I don't think this is possible. An APK is like a Java JAR file which holds metadata and class files. Android doesn't have an equivalent to a Java WAR file. Individual Android apps will have to be installed separately.

Morrison Chang
Hmmm that is kind of what I was thinking but what function does the DexFile class provide? From my understanding it allows you to invoke methods of another APK. If this is possible then would it not be possible to invoke it's start method?
What start method? Android apps are supposed to run in their own vm sandbox. The metadata (AndroidManifest.xml, etc.) inform the system what intents to register, resources available, etc. Found this blog post which may help out a bit:
Morrison Chang