I am looking into getting a log file analysis tool for multiple sites.
All the sites currently run Google analytics, however I have noticed that the stats that this provides can be a bit off (lower numbers than log files report etc etc).
It needn't be expensive although expensive tools will be considered.
It needs to be scriptable so I can generate reports in an automated fashion.
I know this is a bit discussy, but I can't find authoritative info on Google just reams of marketing puffery. So would like some recommendations based on real world usage.
Clarification: When I speak about Google Analytics spitting out results that are a bit off, we had a specific instance where one site in Google was reporting a number for people who had passed through a purchasing process, however the e-commerce software was reporting a much higher number (throwing the percentages of drop offs in the purchasing process right out), so I really need something in conjunction with Google Analytics (Which IMO is good for general stats only)
Update: I've had a good look round at the recommendations made here and a further hunt on the web. I'm currently evaluating Mach5 Analyzer
It appears to be a good option and is under £200 for the Gold version. If I get on with it I'll post it as a recommendation here.
Update: Nope Mach5 Analyzer was no good, not as quick as they said, not detailed enough reporting. Although some nice features. So the hunt continues. Anymore suggestions gratefully received.
Update: Still on the hunt for an analyzer. Sticking with Google at the moment with extra reports being generated by Weblog Expert. There must be a better way!
Update: I've got an in depth report on web analytics packages form e-consultancy http://www.e-consultancy.com/publications/web-analytics-buyers-guide-2008/. It's 250 pages in length, so going to take a while to digest. I'll post again if I glean anything useful.
Update: Well I've finished my hunt and horror of horrors I'm back where I started. Google Ananlytics. The large scale commercial solutions are often comprehensive thorough and accurate, but expensive. I've found that despite it's failings there really is no better bang for buck than Google Analytics. Therefore this is what I will use by default unless a really large enterprise client wants some of the more "expensive" features. Thanks for everyone's help and interest.