



I have locations in my database. A location has the attributes latitude and longitude (taken from google maps, example: 48.809591). Is there any query that could help me retrieve the locations within a range of another location?

Example: I have the location A with latitude = 48.809591, and longitude = 2.124009 and want to retrieve all location objects in my database that are within 5 miles of location A

My first thought was to retrieve the locations in a square where location.latitude < A.latitude + 5 miles and location.latitude > A.latitude - 5 miles and location.longitude < A.longitude + 5 miles and location.longitude > A.longitude - 5 miles, and then remove the irrelevant locations from the returned array with the help of something like

Any ideas?


Just in case you're using MySQL as your DBMS1, you may be interested in checking out the following presentation:

The author describes how you can use the Haversine Formula in MySQL to order spatial data by proximity and limit the results to a defined radius. More importantly, he also describes how to avoid a full table scan for such queries, using traditional indexes on the latitude and longitude columns.

1 Even if you aren't, this is still interesting and applicable.
2 There is also a pdf version of the presentation.

Daniel Vassallo

The calculation you want, i think, is called the great circle distance:


You would need a distance function.

For Sql Server it would look something like this (note that distance is in kilometers)

    CREATE FUNCTION distance
      @startLatitude float, 
      @startLongitude float, 
      @endLatitude float,
      @endLongitude float
    RETURNS float

      DECLARE @distance float;

      set @distance = 
        6371 * 2 * atn2(sqrt(power(sin(pi() / 180 * (@endLatitude - @startLatitude) / 2), 2) +
        power(cos(@startLatitude * pi() / 180), 2) *
        power(sin(pi() / 180 * (@endLongitude - @startLongitude) / 2), 2)),
        sqrt(1 - power(sin(pi() / 180 * (@endLatitude - @startLatitude) / 2), 2) +
        power(cos(@startLatitude * pi() / 180), 2) *
        power(sin(pi() / 180 * (@endLongitude - @startLongitude) / 2), 2)));
      RETURN @distance
Søren Randrup
Note that SQL Server 2008 has in-built geospatial capabilities, with a native distance function, and geo-spatial indexing. Using a UDF like the above would require a full table scan to order the results by distance.
Daniel Vassallo