Hello, I'm trying to implement a command line interface inside of a windows form, I've looked into PDCurses but I'm not sure if thats where I want to be. Any one have any suggestions for this?
There are two basic approaches, though I'm not sure which goal you're aiming for:
If you want to have an actual command window inside your app:
- Create a text box. Let them type whatever they want.
- When the user hits ENTER, read the current line and use the System.Diagnostic.Process classes to execute that line and retrieve the resulting text.
- Display the resulting text in your textbox.
- Optional: Prevent the textbox from getting too large by throwing away lines from the top when it gets too big.
If you want to simply create a custom command-processing window:
- Find a way to parse the input and provide syntax errors.
- Create an object model that corresponds to the features your app will make available to your console.
- Connect the parser/interpreter to your object model.
John Fisher
2010-10-13 22:35:48