**tblLeeasse Details** nLesseeId txtLesseeName txtContractNumber txtLesseeAddress1 txtLesseeCity txtLesseeState txtLesseeCountry txtLesseeEmail
nSupplId txtSupplName txtSupplTinNum txtSupplAddress1 txtSupplCity txtSupplState txtSupplCountry txtSupplEmail
nScheduleId txtScheduleNumber nLesseeId txtLeaseTyp numOfEMI dtmRentalStDate dtmRentalEndDate nLeaseRent nCurrenyType nCurrencyRate nPurType nBasicValue0 nTaxRate0 nTaxAmt0 nBasicValue4 nTaxRate4 nTaxAmt4 nBasicValue12 nTaxRate12 nTaxAmt12 nTotalInvoiceValue nTotalTaxAmt dtmRegDate txtRemarks
nEMIID nScheduleId cEMI1 cEMI2 cEMI3 cEMI4 cEMI5 . . . cEMI50 . . cEMI100 . . . cEMI108
Here I’m giving sample data of two important table where I’m having problem. Some of the fields I have left due to space problem .
nScheduleid txtScheduleNumber nLesseeId txtLeaseTyp numOfEMI dtmRentalStDate dtmRental dDate Leaserent nTaxRate4 nTotalInvoiceValue nTotalTaxAmt
1 37 1 monthly 60 6/29/2006 8/29/2011 10520 4% 678600 0 2 59 1 monthly 60 11/30/2006 10/31/2011 1600 4% 205240 0
EMIDID nScheduleId cEMI1 cEMI2 cEMI3 cEMI4 --- cEMI60 --- cEMI108 1 1 10520 10520 10520 10520 --- 10520 2 2 1600 1600 1600 1600 --- 1600
Note lease rent is the monthly emi
My desired reports should be as per current date (I started from sep10 because I want see Previous month EMI due this month )
slno schduleno Leasseid txtLeaseTyp numOfEMI dtmRentalStDate dtmRentalEndDate
1 37 1 monthly 60 6/29/2006 8/29/2011 Leaserent nTaxRate4 nTotalInvoiceValue nTotalTaxAmt
10520 4% 678600 0
2 59 1 monthly 60 11/30/2006 10/31/2011
1600 4% 205240 0
Sep10 Oct10 Nov10 Dec10 Jan11 Feb11 Mar11 Apr11 May11 Jun11 Jul11 Aug11 Sep11 Oct11 Nov11 …Conts 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 10520 0520 10520
1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120