





when you click on a link that goes to same page where the link is, how to keep the view of the page?

By default it goes to the top of the same page.



+1  A: 

Can you be more specific? What do you mean with "view of the page"?

Here is a general description of anchors:

If you have a link <a href="#someTarget">Link</a> then you need an element on the same page with id="someTarget". When you then click on the link, that element will be scrolled to the top of the element.

EDIT: Ahm, you are talking about a JavaScript link. In that case you need to have the Javascript retur false so that the default action (namely following the link) is ignored:

<a href="#" ... onClick="myJqueryFunction(); return false;">
"view of the page": I mean the vertical position of the page.
Can you describe your problem in more detail?
I have a table (it just shows the head) far from the top of the page. When i click on the head of the table it shows the body of the table, but the view changes to show the top of the page, so i have to go down to see the table again...
I show and hide the body of the table through jquery toggle.
And the link is like this <a href="#" ... onClick="myJqueryFunction()>
+1  A: 

One way to do it is to add # at the end of the href attribute on the links pointing to the current page, either manually or via javascript. I don't think it's a nice way to do it, though...

If you really need this, you could also "disable" the navigation for links pointing to the current page, so that clicking on a link to the current page would have no action...

Something like that should work in jQuery :

    //cancel default click action

assuming that the links pointing to the current page have the CSS class current
