



I do not understand the behaviour of JSF2 during valdation. Hope someone can help me.

I have a form where the fields are validated after (ajax) submit - ok
If the validation failed a error message is shown - ok

For my example when I enter a valid birthday and the field name is empty an errormessage for name is shown after submit.
Now when I enter a valid name and delete the input from the birthday field an errormessage is show for birthday (that's ok) but now the old 'valid' birthday stands also in the input field!?!

How can I avoid this behaviour? When I submit an empty field I want to see an errormessage and an empty field...

Here's my sample code:

I use a ManagedBean (TestBean) that contains an EntityBean (Contact). The Contact contains validations per annoations.

public class Contact implements Serializable {
    private Date birthday;

    @Size(min=3, max=15)
    private String name;


My ManagedBean:

public class TestBean implements Serializable {
    private Contact contact;

    void init() {
        contact = new Contact(); 

    public void newContact(ActionEvent ae) {
        contact = new Contact();

    public void save() {
        //TODO do something with contact...

    public Contact getContact() { return contact; }

    public void setContact(Contact contact) { = contact;}

An here my JSF page:

<html xmlns=""
      xmlns:f="" >      
        <h:panelGrid columns="3">   

        <h:outputText value="Birthday: " />  
        <h:inputText id="birthday" value="#{}">
        <h:message for="birthday" />  

        <h:outputText value="Name: " />  
        <h:inputText id="name" value="#{}"/>
        <h:message for="name" />


        <h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{}"> 
            <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form"/>

        <h:commandButton value="newContact" actionListener="#{testBean.newContact}"
            <f:ajax render="@form"/>


at last a snippet from web.xml



Thanks for some tips


I'm thinking that during normal use people won't enter a valid date, submit, and then delete the date before submitting again. I realize that you found this during testing, but probably people are just trying to successfully fill out the form and not deleting stuff they already entered, in which case perhaps keeping the last valid value is the best functionality.

If you insist... It seems like the setter method "birthday" is never called because the value is invalid, and then when the page is redisplayed the current value of "birthday" is displayed (the current value being the valid value that was previously saved). Maybe you could write a custom validator that sets the value and THEN validates the value, but this wouldn't really make much sense. You would still have to validate the value first for cases when the users enters a text string like "yesterday" instead of a valid date, and then you would have to set the date to something based on that invalid value, and then you would have to add the message to the FacesContext. So the code would have to do something like the following.

1) validate the date value
2) if it's invalid then set the field to some value which makes sense and add an error message to FacesContext.
3) if it's valid then use it.

That's do-able, but weird because you're changing the value of the field even though the passed in value is invalid...

Hi Aaron, thanks for your answert!I my example code there's another case which show the same problem while trying to replace the backend model (button newContact).For me it looks like a real world problem - and not like an academic test case.I found a solution (not nice, but it works...). For the solutions I have edited the sample code a little bit. See my own answer

Aaron already descripes the behaviour.

The problem I've been described exists also by clicking the 'newContact' button. If the first submit is not valid (birthday was entered, name-field is empty) an error message is shown. ok.

Afterwards the 'newContact' Button do not refresh (clear) the view. Although the model was resetted (contact = new Contact()).

I found some tipps here:

Here is my solution:

public void newContact(ActionEvent ae) {
    contact = new Contact();
    contact.setBirthday(new Date()); //for testing only


private void resetForm(UIComponent uiComponent) {
    //get form component
    UIComponent parentComponent = uiComponent.getParent();
    if (uiComponent instanceof UIForm)
    else if (parentComponent != null)


private void resetFields(UIComponent baseComponent) {
    for (UIComponent c : baseComponent.getChildren()) {
        if (c.getChildCount() > 0)

        if (c instanceof UIInput)
            ((UIInput) c).resetValue();