



Want an applescript droplet that opens files in QuickTime and mutes them all. The script only mutes the front most opened file.

on open the_Droppings
    tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to activate
    tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to open the_Droppings
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuickTime Player 7"
        keystroke (ASCII character 31) using {command down, option down}
    end tell
end open

You need to tell each window open in Quicktime in turn to perform the action. An action has to have a specific target in Applescript; they way you have it written now, you are tell the Quicktime application, not a window in Quicktime.


on open the_Droppings
    tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to activate
    tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
        open the_Droppings
        set documentCount to (count documents)
    end tell
    repeat with thisDocument from 1 to documentCount
        tell application "System Events"
            tell process "QuickTime Player 7"
                tell document thisDocument
                    keystroke (ASCII character 31) using {command down, option down}
                end tell
            end tell
        end tell
    end repeat
end open

But I believe there is also a preference to not have movies auto-play upon opening as well.

Philip Regan
I understand what you are saying just don't know how to target all the windows.
Still only does the command for the foremost window.
telling the process may not recognize a document pointed towards via the script. I wouldn't know of another way to do this, and sometimes I come across those odd things that just can't be done. It happens.
Philip Regan
that is what I was thinking. Thanks for trying.