



In my Product.rb

define_index do indexes :name, :sortable => true indexes brand

 has :id, kosher_id, gluten_free_id, lactose_free_id
 has stores(:id),        :as => 'store_ids'
 has locations(:id),     :as => 'location_ids'
 has categories(:id),    :as => 'category_ids'
 has kosher(:passover),  :as => 'kosher_passover'


In my Searching Class

def self.for_locations_by_query(query, options = {}) query, categories = @@coder.decode(query).gsub(/(\b\w+\b)/, "+\0"), @@coder.decode(options.delete(:categories)) origin, page = @@coder.decode(options.delete(:origin)), @@coder.decode(options.delete(:page)) per_page, sort_order = @@coder.decode(options.delete(:per_page)), @@coder.decode(options.delete(:sort_order)) distance, classifications = @@coder.decode(options.delete(:distance)), @@coder.decode(options.delete(:classifications))

 with                        = {}
 with[:store_ids]            = Location.all(:origin => origin, :within => distance).collect(&:store_id).uniq unless origin.blank? or distance.blank?
 with[:category_ids]         = categories.split(',') unless categories.blank?

 without                     = {}
 without[:kosher_id]         = 0 if classifications.split(',').include? 'kosher'
 without[:gluten_free_id]    = 0 if classifications.split(',').include? 'gluten_free'
 without[:lactose_free_id]   = 0 if classifications.split(',').include? 'lactose_free'
 without[:kosher_passover]   = 0 if classifications.split(',').include? 'kosher_passover'

 products  =, :with => with, :without => without, :per_page => 20, :page => 1)
 stores    = products.collect { |p| p.stores }.flatten.uniq
 locations = stores.collect { |s| s.locations.find(:all, :origin => origin, :within => distance) }.flatten.uniq
 locations.each { |l| l.dist = l.distance }

 locations = locations.paginate(:page => page, :per_page => per_page)

 return { :total_entries => locations.total_entries, :size => locations.size, :locations => locations }

*.sphinx.conf file - product model

source product_core_0
  type = mysql
  sql_host = [FILTERED]
  sql_user = [FILTERED]
  sql_pass = [FILTERED]
  sql_db = [FILTERED]
  sql_sock = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
  sql_query_pre = SET TIME_ZONE = '+0:00'
  sql_query = SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `products`.`id` * 3 + 1 AS `id` , `products`.`name` AS `name`, `products`.`brand` AS `brand`, `products`.`id` AS `sphinx_internal_id`, 485965105 AS `class_crc`, 0 AS `sphinx_deleted`, IFNULL(`products`.`name`, '') AS `name_sort`, `products`.`id` AS `id`, `products`.`kosher_id` AS `kosher_id`, `products`.`gluten_free_id` AS `gluten_free_id`, `products`.`lactose_free_id` AS `lactose_free_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT IFNULL(`stores`.`id`, '0') SEPARATOR ',') AS `store_ids`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT IFNULL(`locations`.`id`, '0') SEPARATOR ',') AS `location_ids`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT IFNULL(`categories`.`id`, '0') SEPARATOR ',') AS `category_ids`, `koshers`.`passover` AS `kosher_passover` FROM `products`    LEFT OUTER JOIN `product_stores` ON (`products`.`id` = `product_stores`.`product_id`)  LEFT OUTER JOIN `stores` ON (`stores`.`id` = `product_stores`.`store_id`)   LEFT OUTER JOIN `product_locations` ON (`products`.`id` = `product_locations`.`product_id`)  LEFT OUTER JOIN `locations` ON (`locations`.`id` = `product_locations`.`location_id`)   LEFT OUTER JOIN `category_products` ON (`products`.`id` = `category_products`.`product_id`)  LEFT OUTER JOIN `categories` ON (`categories`.`id` = `category_products`.`category_id`)   LEFT OUTER JOIN `koshers` ON `koshers`.id = `products`.kosher_id  WHERE `products`.`id` >= $start AND `products`.`id` <= $end GROUP BY `products`.`id`  ORDER BY NULL
  sql_query_range = SELECT IFNULL(MIN(`id`), 1), IFNULL(MAX(`id`), 1) FROM `products` 
  sql_attr_uint = sphinx_internal_id
  sql_attr_uint = class_crc
  sql_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted
  sql_attr_uint = id
  sql_attr_uint = kosher_id
  sql_attr_uint = gluten_free_id
  sql_attr_uint = lactose_free_id
  sql_attr_bool = kosher_passover
  sql_attr_str2ordinal = name_sort
  sql_attr_multi = uint store_ids from field
  sql_attr_multi = uint location_ids from field
  sql_attr_multi = uint category_ids from field
  sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `id` = (($id - 1) / 3)

index product_core
  source = product_core_0
  path = [FILTERED]/releases/20101008215652/db/sphinx/staging/product_core
  charset_type = utf-8

index product
  type = distributed
  local = product_core

The problematic line is with[:store_ids] = ... The product can be associated to multiple store ids, however it only seems to work if the lowest numbered ID is in the array for with[:store_ids]. For example, the ids associated with product 1000 are [12,15,41], if with[:store_ids] = [15,41] then 0 results are returned, however if 12 is in the array then it works.

I have stopped, started, restarted, reindexed, rebuilt, generated a new conf file for sphinx, and repeated in various orders and I have had no luck.


The problem had to do with permissions and the Capistrano release directory structure. The service was owned by root, was running from an older release, and would not stop with a user level rake ts:stop, it required me to run it as root and then start the service from the current release directory. At that point, the data is being displayed correctly.
