Suppose we have following type:
struct MyNullable<T> where T : struct
T Value;
public bool HasValue;
public MyNullable(T value)
this.Value = value;
this.HasValue = true;
public static implicit operator T(MyNullable<T> value)
return value.HasValue ? value.Value : default(T);
And try to compile following code snippet:
MyNullable<int> i1 = new MyNullable<int>(1);
MyNullable<int> i2 = new MyNullable<int>(2);
int i = i1 + i2;
This snipped compiled well and without errors. i1 and i2 casts to integer and addition evaluated.
But if we have following type:
struct Money
double Amount;
CurrencyCodes Currency; /*enum CurrencyCode { ... } */
public Money(double amount, CurrencyCodes currency)
Amount = amount;
Currency = currency;
public static Money operator + (Money x, Money y)
if (x.Currency != y.Currency)
// Suppose we implemented method ConvertTo
y = y.ConvertTo(x.Currency);
return new Money(x.Amount + y.Amount, x.Currency);
Try to compile another code snippet:
MyNullable<Money> m1 =
new MyNullable<Money>(new Money(10, CurrenciesCode.USD));
MyNullable<Money> m2 =
new MyNullable<Money>(new Money(20, CurrenciesCode.USD));
Money m3 = m1 + m2;