



I am trying to deploy my app on Rails for the first time using Heroku.

I have spent quite a lot of time but there's a gap somewhere.

Git: created private repo, pushed to git successfully
Heroku: created free app and pushed successfully (but app 'crashes')

rake db:schema:dump #success
rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=production #failure: production database is not configured
rake db:create db:load RAILS_ENV=production #failure: undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass
  active_record/railties/databases.rake:59:in 'rescue in create_database'
  active_record/railties/databases.rake:39:in 'create_database'

My database.yml file:

defaults: &defaults
adapter: mysql
username: root
password: password
host: localhost

<<: *defaults
database: project_dev

<<: *defaults
database: project_test

Just added:
production: <<: *defaults database: project_production

I may be making a total rookie mistake. Do you know where I might be going wrong?


The rake commands which you are running, run on your development machine. If you want to run rake commands on the server, use the heroku command (example):

heroku rake db:create

Note, if you want to push data, you are doing it wrong. Go to and look at the docs there.

+1  A: 

Use the command heroku rake db:schema:load, which simply executes the command rake db:schema:load on Heroku's environment.

You do not need to worry about the database environments are they are automatically configured by Heroku on the compilation of the slug.

Thomas McDonald