



I am following the example as described in Providing NTLM Services without Active Directory part of the documentation, and deploying the examples war into JBoss

I did:

  • Increase all JBoss port numbers by 1000 (so I am using port 9080 )
  • Rename example_ntsp_web.xml into web.xml
  • And then deploy.
  • I could not get auth'ed

When I debugged into JBoss, it is failing at comparing the ntlm objects

 NtlmResponse local = new NtlmResponse(resp,domain, myusername,mypassword.toCharArray(), getTargetInformation());

 if (resp.equals(local)) {            <--------------------- fails here, resp and local not equal


Debugging info using eclipse, ntResponses length are not equal between local and resp ?

alt text

What else am I missing?

Environment: - Windows 7

+1  A: 

A couple of things to check

  • Are you logged in to your Windows 7 box with the account admin and password opensaysme?
  • Does your Windows 7 domain match whats configured in your plaintext file?

You could also try emailing IOPlex directly, I found them very responsive in the past.

Jon Freedman
@Jon IOPlex did respond very quickly, and we narrowed it down to Windows7 being "different" (as per my answer above)
+1  A: 

With the new alpha release of jespa 1.1.4b this problem is fixed.
