



I'm trying to automate a website and find myself needing to get to the contents of an iframe. Since this is an internal application, I've put in this sample, which illustrates the error

$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application" 

$ie.visible = $true 
$doc = $ie.document 
$maglistcontrol = $doc.getElementById("mag_list") 
$maglistcontrol.value= "Concierge"

Here is the Error message I get

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:6 char:38
+ $maglistcontrol = $doc.getElementById <<<< ("mag_list") 
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (getElementById:String) [], RuntimeExce 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

Property 'value' cannot be found on this object; make sure it exists and is settable.
At line:7 char:17
+ $maglistcontrol. <<<< value= "Concierge"
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (value:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFound

The problem is, the mag_list field is in an iframe and the reference is not valid. Any ideas?


I tried to do this but could not succeed in manipulating IE from PowerShell (weird; I got a $ie variable, but all accesses thereafter fail).

Frames are in the Window object: the frames collection.

Theoritically, you can get at the window object through $ie.document.parentWindow.

So, this should work, but I could not test it:

$doc = $ie.document
$w = $doc.parentWindow
$fr = $w.frames[0] # assuming you want the first frame
$uidfield = $fr.document.getElementById("uid")

Hope this helps.

$w.frames doesn't return any values futher meaning that $w.frames[0] has no value either
Yeah, I don't understand. The window object is supposed to have a frames property. See for example.
looks like powershell doesn't give full access to this model.... (sigh). Maybe some other way?

It looks like your problem is the COM object becoming unusable. I have seen this happen sometimes when a new IE object is spawned to handle the request (I'm not sure why, maybe someone knows). You will need to find the window again like this:

$Shell = New-Object -COM Shell.Application
$Shell.Windows()  ## Find the right one in the list

$ie = $Shell.Windows().Item(1)  ## Grab the window

But I wasn't able to find that "mag_list" tag you were looking for.

But if I can see other elements on the page other than the iframe, how is it that my COM object is unusable?
Well, according to your error message, the document element is $null. With that being the only information I see in your post, I suggested a possible solution based on what I have seen before. I tried your code myself and didn't have any problems accessing the members. But I couldn't find that iframe you were refering to.